Highlights from Art Class

Highlights from Art Class
Posted on 02/26/2021
BMS students aren't letting the pandemic stop their creativity.  Students in all grades have been busy making art in person and remotely.
Digital Mosaics:
BMS 6th grade artists are very proud to showcase their digital mosaics they have been creating over the past few weeks. These mosaics were done using google draw and they have done a fantastic job!
Digital MosaicDigital MosaicDigital MosaicDigital MosaicDigital Mosaic

Digital Cityscapes:

BMS 7th and 8th grade artists have been working hard the past few weeks creating digital cityscapes in google draw. They learned how to use a monochromatic art palette and use digital shape tools to construct beautifully finished compositions.
Digital landscapeDigital landscapeDigital landscapeDigital landscapeDigital landscapeDigital landscapeDigital landscapeDigital LandscapeDigital LandscapeDigital Landscape

Clay Dragon Eyes:

Very proud of 7th grade artists for creating such beautiful dragon eyes the past few weeks. Made with air dry clay and flat marbles. They colored the clay themselves and used texturizing tools and modeling skills to create these amazing eyes!
Dragon EyesDragon EyesDragon EyesDragon EyesDragon EyesDragon EyesDragon EyesDragon EyesDragon EyesDragon EyesDragon Eyes