To BMS Parents and Guardians:
With the start of school fast approaching, I wanted to provide you with some updated information about the start of school, including:
Remote Learning Starts Thursday 9/10. In order to make sure that our video conferencing software and equipment is ready for remote learning, we have delayed the start of remote learning to Thursday 9/10. The first days of school will now look like:
Tuesday 9/8 in person learning for the GOLD group. No school for the PURPLE or FULLY REMOTE groups.
Wednesday 9/9 in person learning for the PURPLE group. No school for the GOLD or FULLY REMOTE groups.
Thursday 9/10 in person learning for the GOLD group, remote learning for the PURPLE group, first day for FULLY REMOTE group.
Friday 9/11 remote learning for ALL students, 8am-noon.
Student Drop Off. We ask all parents to drop of students in the south [small] parking lot. Because of the restrictions we are under this year, morning drop off cannot happen until 7:30 am. We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause, but because of the restrictions that are in place we do not have the capacity for children to be in the building prior to 7:30 am. We also ask parents to remain in their cars as parents will not be able to enter the building in the morning.
Parent Pick Up. Students will be dismissed at 2:25 for parent pickup. All parents picking up children should park in the south [small] parking lot. Parents will not be allowed to enter the building to sign out their children, but a duty staffer will assist parents in signing out children starting at 2:15.
Bus Transportation. The RSU 25 website has published bus routes for this school year. Because of the limitation of seating on the buses any change in transportation request must be made well in advance and will only be honored if there is available seating on the bus. In the past we have been able to accommodate last minute changes and alternative drop offs, this year we cannot. Please do not count on our bus transportation to accommodate last minute changes.
Changes to After School Plans. Unfortunately, we will not be able to accommodate any changes to student’s after school plans that are made after 1:00pm. Please contact the office as early in the day as possible if you need to change your child’s after school plans.
If you have any further questions or would like to discuss the matter further, please call or email me or contact the main office.
Sincerely- Todd West, Principal