Winter sports are starting soon! Boys & girls basketball as well as cheering will be having tryouts on the following dates:
Boys Basketball: 11/7-11/9 3:00-4:30pm @ BMS Gym.
Girls Basketball: 11/7-11/9 4:30-6:00pm @ BMS Gym.
Cheering: 11/7-11/9 5:00-7:00 @ BMS Cafeteria.
We will have sign up sheets by the main office for any interested 6th-8th grade students to sign up.
There will be a preseason meeting for all interested student athletes and parents on Tuesday, 11/1 at 5:30pm in the Clain Auditorium at BMS.
Students will not be able to tryout unless all required paperwork has been completed and an up to date sports physical is on file. To make sure your child is prepared, please go to our
athletics forms page. In most cases, if you completed the forms for fall sports you do not need to complete them again for winter sports.