Remote learning has been an incredibly steep learning curve for students, families, and teachers. We appreciate your patience, flexibility, and dedication to helping students continue their education in remote settings. We have learned a lot in the first trimester and are ready to make some adjustments for the second trimester. The revised plan for Remote Fridays balances a desire to increase the amount of dedicated learning time for all students while still offering additional supports to students who are significantly struggling.
The following changes will begin with the second trimester, which starts Monday, December 7th:
1) Changes to Remote Fridays. Starting with the first Friday of the 2nd trimester [December 11th], all students and families should plan on at least two hours of online, synchronous learning on Fridays starting at 8:00am. Friday’s schedule will be as follows:
8:00 Advisory [homeroom]. The focus of this time will be on building relationships and setting students up for success for their remote Friday.
8:45 Intervention. Students who are caught up and do not need intervention will be assigned an asynchronous enrichment assignment from one subject. Teachers will assign students who are behind, need extra help, or would benefit from academic intervention for individual and group help during this time. Students who are assigned for intervention will not need to do the asynchronous enrichment assignment.
9:30-noon Unified Arts Classes as Scheduled. After 9:30, students would attend their regularly scheduled UA class. We are going to tweak the Friday schedule so that there is a smaller gap between the end of intervention and the start of a student’s UA class.
9:30-noon Individualized Support and Enrichment, as Assigned. Students may also be scheduled to meet with a teacher individually or in small groups for extra help, intervention, or enrichment. GT, JMG, Special Education, and other pullouts may also be scheduled on an individual basis after 9:30.
Attendance will be taken for all scheduled periods and grades will be given in all scheduled classes.
A mailing was sent home on November 24th with an updated 2nd Trimester schedule for students, including the new schedule for Remote Fridays.
2) Slight Adjustment to Daily Bell Schedule. Starting on Monday, December 4th, the daily bell schedule will be adjusted as follows for blocks 7, 8, and PM homeroom:
Block 7 12:50-1:35
Block 8 1:40-2:20
PM Homeroom 2:20-2:45
These changes to the bell schedule apply to Monday-Thursday and does not apply to Fridays. The changes to the bell schedule will not change the times for dismissal, including parent pick up.