The BMS Drama program is excited to announce audition dates for the upcoming production of Annie Jr! This is open to all students grades 5-8. Students do not need to prepare anything on their own for this audition. They will review and learn the material together on their audition day, so everybody has the same preparation and opportunity!
Just because a student chooses to audition for one role does not mean they cannot or will not be selected for another role.
Due to COVID 19 precautions, not everybody who auditions this year will be selected to act. If you do not make it into the show as an actor, you may be contacted at a later time to see if you would like to participate in another way (Backstage help, lighting, tickets, etc.) All of these roles are important too!
Auditions will be held after school this Wednesday, January 5th, Thursday, January 6th, and Monday, January 10th. The audition sign up sheet and questionnaire are outside the main office.