Dear Parents of RSU 25 Students Ages 12 and Above:
RSU 25 has continued discussion with representatives from the Bucksport Regional Health Center (BRHC) and Penobscot Community Health Center in Bangor (PCHC) with a request to use space within our middle to host a second COVID-19 vaccination clinic targeted to students ages 12 and older for those families who are interested.
This vaccination clinic will be held at Bucksport MIddle School and run by PCHC and BRHC staff who will be administering the Pfizer vaccine.
Administration of the first dose will be on Wednesday May 26, 2021.
Administration of the second dose will be on Wednesday June 16, 2021.
Please note that the date of the second dosage falls after the final student day of the school year. Parents may bring their child to Bucksport Middle School on June 16th or indicate on the transportation form that your child will need transportation. It is our plan to work with First Student to provide transportation for students to the middle school and back home after the clinic.
If you are interested in having your child receive this vaccine at this clinic and to help inform PCHC and BRHC as to the number of doses needed, please complete and return the attached consent form to your child’s school, attention School Nurse by Monday May 24, 2021. For families unable to access, print and complete the consent form, we will have hard copies available in the school’s main office for your child to pick up.
Attached, please find a copy of the Emergency Use Authorization for Pfizer-Biontech Vaccine in Individuals 12 Years of Age and Older and the COVID-19 Minor Vaccine Consent Form – Pfizer from PCHC.
Please note that receiving the COVID-19 Vaccine at this clinic is voluntary. Regional School Unit 25 is not requiring or mandating that students receive a COVID-19 vaccine.
If you have any questions, please contact one of our school nurses Lorraine Lugdon or Jinger Pepin at Bucksport High School (469-6650) or Bucksport Middle School (469-6647).
James Boothby, Superintendent
Pfizer Consent Form Fillable.pdf
Pfizer Fact Sheet - 12 years of age and older.pdf
Transportation Request Fillable.pdf